Do you need to Replace/ Upgrade your networking Equipment?

In most businesses, the networking equipment just sits there in the background, silently doing the heavy lifting of keeping your business network up and operational, ignored until something wonky happens and you restart the router.

Your Wi-Fi router greatly influences everything from the security of your business network and personal information to how well-streaming services work (and how the network load is balanced between critical and non-critical activities). This means that you shouldn’t wait until it’s malfunctioning or refuses to turn on before getting a replacement causing unnecessary downtime for the business.

Here are 6 signs to upgrade or replace your Router or other networking equipment.

  • Your device is Hot, Noisy or erratic.
  • Your device no longer receives security and bug fix updates. (This is when a device goes end of life with the manufacturer)
  • Your not getting the full internet speeds.
  • Your device cant handle the number of devices connected.
  • Your router / Access point doesn’t provide enough Wi-Fi coverage or your looking for a faster connection speed.
  • Your Device was Released Five or more ago.

If your thinking about upgrading your networking equipment please give us a call and we can discuss any effective upgrades. Whether this be improving the Wi-Fi with additional access points, New Switches to increase network capacity, improving your network security with an enhanced gateway firewall or replacing any aging equipment.

All solutions from provided by OnIT can be Monitored and managed by us that covers applying regular updates that are released and any configuration changes that need to be made.